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Alan Rowley.

Sir Topham Hatts Assistant.

Age (in 1955): 32.

pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: gay

Close Friend: Roy

Partner: Steven

Appearance description

Alan has light blond hair, that's a bit neatly combed and gelled to the side, with only a few stray hairs falling out of place.

He has ivory skin, usually with rosy cheeks, and light blue eyes.

His uniform is almost spotless, and is one of the only people that keeps it ironed and starched.

His go to is a blue vertical striped shirt, dark blue trousers, and typically a black knee length coat he got shortly after he started working for the NWR.


Alan is from Hardwick, born to a family who thought they where 10 paid grades above where they actually where. He never left the town, and was always told how horrible the railways where by his father, though he always had a secret interest in them.

After many years of working in random shops around Hardwick, a position for becoming Sir Topham Hatts Assistant pops up. He applied, despite his parents complaints, and got the job!

Quick Facts!

  • Having never been on a railway before, he's not the most natural around the engines. The Sudrians around him find this funny.
  • He used to do ballet as a kid, he was very good at it too! But he stopped due to bullying. He still dances in his spare time though.
  • He's very anxious and gets overwhelmed quite easily. He usually stays quiet.